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Sovereign Rights & Nuremberg 2™ Posts

Pledge Request Letter Sent to 102 Members of The House of Lords, UK Parliament 20.11.21

Nuremberg 2™ THE PLEDGEHuman Rights Pledge Requestssent to 102 Members ofThe House of Lords,UK Parliament.20th November 2021The following letter was emailed to the 102 Members of The House of Lords who expressed a Policy Interest in 'Crime, Civil Law, Justice, and Rights'.Members with this Policy Interest are listed on the UK Government webpage:'Find Members of the House of Lords'. F.A.O.
 [102 Members of The House of Lords]
House of LordsLondonSW1A 0PW Emailed to: [Individual member's...

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The First UK Governmental Body To Officially Acknowledge its Obligations Under All National and International Human Rights and Bioethics Legislation and Treaties

An English City Council Officially Acknowledges its Legal Obligations Under All Human Rights Laws On first inspection of the above headline, you may be forgiven for not fully grasping the monumental significance of this statement. The email to which it refers was received at 9.11am GMT on 03.11.21 It reads as follows: OFFICIAL Thank you for your email. Plymouth City Council acknowledges its obligations under all national and international human rights and bioethics legislation/treaties. Yours...

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A Challenge to the Legality of Australia’s COVID-19 Measures

A Challenge to the Legality of Australia's COVID-19 MeasuresTony Ryan delivered his legal challenge in Australia on the 22nd October 2021 to representatives of the Chief Medical Officer.   A STATEMENT BY TONY RYAN In Australia, four of our Commonwealth Acts are being violated, as well as our Constitution (Section 51, 23A). The survival of our indigenous people is in the balance, and we anticipate that by 2026, 65% of our population will be deceased (ref DEAGLE statistics). In Victoria and...

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Human Rights vs Anti-Human Rights

Human Rights vs Anti-Human RightsSociety has two opposing sides. They are not races. They are not genders. They are not religions. Nor are they ideologies, cultures or political systems. All such notions of humans opposing other humans are first manufactured, then stoked, and finally promoted so that they endure. These fabricated social divisions exist in order to conceal the only real division within society. The division between the human being and the non-human entity: the institution; the...

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No Unvaccinated Need Apply

No Unvaxxed Need ApplyI'm a simple Unvaxxed girl, and I'm looking for a place, I've felt the grip of poverty, but sure that's no disgrace, 'Twill be long before I get one, tho' indeed it's hard I try, Alas for my poor country, which I never will deny, How they insult us when they write, "No Unvaxxed Need Apply." Now I wonder what's the reason that the fortune-favored few, Should throw on us the dirty slur, and treat us as they do, Sure they know my heart is warm, and willing is my hand, They...

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“Rights in the Time of Covid”

A range of posters that detail International Bioethics & Human Rights that are particularly pertinent to social and personal issues regarding Covid-19 political and corporate measures.

UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

“Parchment” EDITION

POSTER - UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) (parchment). Human Rights in the Time of Covid.

“Chalkboard” EDITION

POSTER - UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) (chalkboard). Human Rights in the Time of Covid.


“No Discrimination Permitted”

“Parchment” EDITION

POSTER - No Discrimination Permitted (parchment). Human Rights in the Time of Covid.

“Chalkboard” EDITION

POSTER - No Discrimination Permitted (chalkboard). Human Rights in the Time of Covid.


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