A Challenge to the Legality of Australia’s COVID-19 Measures
Tony Ryan delivered his legal challenge in Australia on the 22nd October 2021 to representatives of the Chief Medical Officer.
In Australia, four of our Commonwealth Acts are being violated, as well as our Constitution (Section 51, 23A). The survival of our indigenous people is in the balance, and we anticipate that by 2026, 65% of our population will be deceased (ref DEAGLE statistics).
In Victoria and NSW, citizens protesting the lockdowns and mRNA mandates, have been beaten, sexually molested, pepper-sprayed, and shot with rubber bullets. Many have been imprisoned and fines of $5000 are not uncommon. All of this is illegal.
Our military lower ranks have declared that, if ordered to shoot civilians, they will instead shoot their officers. In response, the Government has introduced a Bill to import foreign soldiers, not excluding mercenaries, who will have total immunity from prosecution, even from rape, assault or murder “Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force response to Emergencies) Bill, 2020”. Clause 123AA. The first troops have arrived already: the notorious Indonesian Shock Troops, Kopassus, who have tortured and killed thousands in West Papua, and who have now commenced formal training in knocking down doors and killing Australian citizens, now classed as ‘terrorists’. It is known that the Mossad and IDF also are in Australia, but their whereabouts are unknown.
Most of our 34,000 Indigenous in the NT speak only very fundamental English, some eighty Aboriginal languages being the only form of communication. They have no idea what the mRNA jabs constitute but are told they will be sacked if they do not submit to jabs. Others are paid $500 bribes to comply. Context is important. The government has engaged a secret strategy of genocide for the past 45 years, enforcing poor diet, food toxicity, residential over-crowding, and non-comprehension of nutrition, hygiene, and finance, by refusing to recognise local languages. Ergo, for 233 years, Indigenous have been forced to negotiate their survival in a foreign language… English. In such a climate, they are defenceless against the campaign to submit to the illegal mRNA intervention.
Medical scientists are an important part of the genocide. For example, if every Aborigine was given one Ivermectin tablet per week, not only would covid be held at bay, but scabies would be eliminated altogether. Scabies precipitates rheumatic heart disease, which kills thousands of Indigenous. The Menzies School of Health Research ensures that such a strategy is never contemplated, let alone implemented. Medical and scientific ethics are at an all-time low.
The government is now poised to force the jab on children and pregnant women. Civil war is a very real prospect.
Many of us have been protesting. Today, I deliver my legal challenge (attached, below) to the edicts of the Chief Medical Officer, from which are derived local laws that enforce wearing of masks, delimited movement, and pseudo-vaccinations. I anticipate severe blowback.
Regarding our Indigenous population, although I speak a couple of languages, I cannot warn people about the risks because geographical movement here is difficult, necessitating travel by air, or some 1200 Ks by dirt road. As an age pensioner, the cost of travel is also prohibitive.
We need help from outside Australia.
Tony Ryan
Tony Ryan was formerly a permanent Welfare Officer for the Commonwealth and NT Governments Public Service for a decade. Much of his family is Aboriginal.
He has recently collaborated with two Aboriginal community representatives as sources of information on the First Nations perspective, in regards to the unlawful and totalitarian actions of the Australian government in response to COVID-19.
Testimonies and statements from those representatives will be posted on this website.
What is currently taking place in countries like Australia is nothing short of a organised criminal takeover of democracy.
Nations like Canada and France are not far behind, but from what I have witnessed of late via those involved in ‘real’ journalism, aka independent media, Australia is at the bleeding edge of the 1st World’s rapid descent into an Orwellian dictatorship, with all the fascist and communist trimmings attached.
When the rank and file of the military of a Commonwealth nation openly state that they believe that they may soon be ordered to fire on the citizenry, simply to enforce a medical tyranny that breaks numerous International Human Rights Laws, it is surely time for other more responsible governments, and the people of the world, to step in.
What’s the globalist response to those in the military saying that they would refuse to obey such orders? It is to train and legally empower mercenary shock troops from abroad for the task, who are ready and willing to arrest, incarcerate, harm, and even kill members of the public, simply for refusing to be injected with an experimental concoction.
Australia’s “Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020” gives those mercenaries 100% immunity for any crimes they may wish to commit under an “emergency” situation, such as COVID-19 response. Imagine such a scenario where you live.
Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force response to Emergencies) Bill, 2020. Clause 123AA
Clause 123AA – Immunity in relation to certain assistance
(1) A protected person (see subsection (3)) is not subject to any liability (whether civil or criminal) in respect of anything the protected person does or omits to do, in good faith, in the performance or purported performance of the protected person’s duties, if…
[extract from page 8]
If you let this stand in Australia, you may not have to imagine it for much longer. This is a globalist takeover, intended for the entire globe under the planned one-world-government.
The people of Australia are fully protected by International Human Rights Laws but not by their government. Why? Simply because the State works on behalf of globalism, not the nation or its people. It is time for everyone who still has some degree of consciousness and critical thinking intact to wake up to this clear reality of the world that you are living in.
Those who do not get their news from the mainstream media, which has systematically and purposefully hidden what is going on in countries like Australia from the rest of the world, may be aware that senior members of the police and other national and regional institutions have recently resigned from their posts, because they do not want to play a part in what they consider to be a replacement of the rule of law with the rule of tyranny, which serves only globalist multinationals, oligarchs, and agendas, whilst acting treasonously towards the people of Australia.
Also recently, some of those who have their ear to the ground have actually begun to flee the country before the next level of totalitarianism is implemented. It is hard to belief, but Australia now has ‘refugees’ living out of suitcases in other countries, having fled their home nation because of the dystopian takeover by globalist forces. Will your country willingly accept and protect those refugees? Perhaps you should ask your political representatives for the answer?
Now is the time for those living in other countries, which will surely face the exact same police-State tyranny if the Australian regime is allowed to get away with it, to force their own governments to take action immediately. Call for a boycott of Australia, Canada, France, and any other State authority that is attempting to force a medical tyranny on its people. Demand that the ICC investigate and bring charges against those politicians responsible. Make a complaint to the Human Rights Council. Just make sure you do something! Now!

Nuremberg 2™
The World’s No.1 Promoter
Bioethics & Human Rights Law
‘The Pledge’
Establish whether or not they support and adhere to International Bioethics and Human Rights Law.
Are they prepared to sign a declaration that publicly confirms their full adherence to
International Bioethics and Human Rights Laws?
Click to Learn More About
‘The Pledge’
Ways to Promote Human Rights
“Rights in the Time of Covid”
“Rights in the Time of Covid”
Thank you, Jack Quartz.
Well, I’m outside Australia and I will help you. Your article is extremely important.
Please tell me the four Commonwealth acts that have been broken.
Does the trade-marked name”Nuremberg2″ have any other existence beyond being
the name of a website? Tony, you could run a moot-court trial at Nueremberg 2.
Hi Mary
Nuremberg2.com supports Tony’s challenge to the Australian government’s COVID-19 measures, because it focuses on the Human Rights of the individual, from both an International and National legal standpoint. Those such as Tony are currently taking on the role of being champions for each and every human being in the current moral and legal battle against the State and the corporate entity. ‘Human Rights’ (not civil rights, political rights or minority rights) were specifically created for this purpose – to protect each and every individual – equally, without discrimination or privilege to anyone.
Nuremberg2.com was established for the core purpose of educating every individual in human society that it is their ‘International Human Rights’ that must be respected, and legally held above all other forms of ‘rights’ and legislation. This is because they are the only universally ratified Laws that protect human beings equally, or in other words, fairly and morally.
The first Human Rights Laws in modern times was The Nuremberg Code 1947, and this is why we use the name Nuremberg2.com. The current attempt to impose totalitarian rule over humankind provides a perfect opportunity to re-educate each human being on those Human Rights that were first created 75 years ago, in order to protect them against State and institutional tyranny.
A year after that seminal moral code to protect the individual against medical tyranny was laid down in law, the UN Universal Declaration on Human Rights (1948) was created and globally ratified. As recently as 2005, the UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, turbo-charged the protection given by The Nuremberg Code to the individual as far as medical and scientific tyranny is concerned.
It is the educated opinion of Nuremberg2.com that all that is required to immediately end all global tyranny is for for a significant minority of people to become aware of the specific Articles and significance of these 3 superlative International and Bioethics Human Rights laws/treaties/conventions. Once understood by the people, all that is required is for them to demand that their politicians ‘Pledge’ to uphold those laws in the public service, and for all public institutions to acknowledge their legal obligation to those laws. Those politicians who refuse to ‘Pledge’ must then be publicly named and shamed for opposing and rejecting Human Rights. It really is that simple. Nuremberg2.com will continue to promote that message until it succeeds in its objective.
If you would like Tony to email you with more specific information relating to his legal actions in Australia, please respond to this message thread, and we will forward your email address to him (do not post your email address in the message for everyone to see, as it is already safely shown behind the scenes).
Tony, thank you so very much for your wonderful efforts to fight for our rights and freedoms – the GovernMENTAL evil must be stopped. Diane Drayton Buckland
Please Sign the Petition to The International Criminal Court to Investigate and Prosecute The People Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity regarding SARS-CoV-2 & COVID-19
Nuremberg 2.0
Please study the data from Dr. Richard Fleming on this page >
[Link deleted] and sign the Petition for the International Criminal Court to prosecute all those people who are responsible for these crimes against humanity regarding SARS-CoV-2 & COVID-19.
[Link deleted]
Please study all the data presented by Dr. Fleming, sign the International Criminal Court Petition and please send to everyone and everywhere that you can globally asking everyone to do likewise.
This is the most critically important Petition of our lives – many of you are already witnessing the actions of tyrants and the destruction of democracy it’s only going to get worse and more widespread – stand up and unite in solidarity to claim back our freedoms and democracies.
Please do this for us all.
Thank you.
[Link deleted]
[Link deleted]
Information Paper Regarding NON-CONSENT TO MANDATORY OR COERCED COVID-19 Injections (Including Discussions on the COVID19/SARS-CoV-2 Situation and Vaccines in General)
by Simon Forrest
September, 2021
The purpose of this paper is to object against any intention to make the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory for any person in any situation under any circumstances.
In Regards to Vaccines in General:
• There are serious question marks surrounding vaccine safety, supported by hundreds of studies, countless testimonies by parents and their doctors, billion-dollar payouts in vaccine injury compensation courts, vaccine adverse event reporting systems and various data, records, graphs, facts, figures and observations.
• There is evidence that actively challenges vaccine efficacy and effectiveness, including countless people contracting diseases despite being vaccinated against that disease, perpetual outbreaks amongst highly vaccinated groups/communities, mortality rates for many diseases dropping to low numbers well before vaccines were introduced, studies indicating that unvaccinated children have demonstrably fewer health issues than vaccinated children, and again; various data, records, graphs, facts, figures and observations.
• A number of doctors, scientists, medical experts and health professionals have spoken out via websites, documentaries, videos, interviews, posts, podcasts and books about their concerns surrounding vaccine safety and efficacy, conflicts of interest and corruption.
In Regards to the COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 Situation: Continue >
[Link deleted]
Hi Diane
I see that you attempted to post a number of links in your post.
Our spam filter was set to delete all external links on posts, simply because many people use posts only to promote their own operations rather than to engage in responding to the actual posts.
Nuremberg2.com has a specific and vital purpose, which is to educate people about International Bioethics and Human Rights Law, and how fully implementing those laws can stop any and all current and future attempts to control the lawful individual by totalitarian means.
However, I see that links such as the Petition are highly relevant, so we have now changed this spam settings and will, at least for the time being, manually delete any unsuitable links.
Please re-submit (by means of a reply) the link to the petition, along with any links specifically regarding Human Rights Law, and we will place them into the original post.
Please do not submit links relating only to issues such as information on vaccines. Such information is indeed highly valuable, but there are countless places online already promoting this information. By having links to it on this website, it will only hinder Nuremberg2.com from promoting vital information on Human Rights to a broader audience, because of negative algorithms often attached to such links.
By relentlessly focusing only on Human Rights, Nuremberg2.com should be able to break through the current glass ceiling of information imposed online by Big Tech, regarding the unalienable Rights of the human being. I hope this makes sense.